
Fallout shelter quest wiki
Fallout shelter quest wiki

fallout shelter quest wiki

Rare and legendary dwellers are not unique. Legendary dwellers have a total sum of 40 SPECIAL points. Rare dwellers have a total sum of 28 SPECIAL points, with the exception of 3 preset dwellers. Legendary dwellers are named after characters from Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. There are 23 legendary dwellers to collect. Rare and Legendary dwellers keep their outfit when entering the vault, rather than immediately switching to a vault suit.

fallout shelter quest wiki

Legendary dwellers arrive wearing a legendary outfit and a rare weapon. Rare and legendary dwellers are found in lunchboxes. Vault citizens are known as dwellers and players have taken to calling enemies invaders. For an overview of Fallout Shelter content, please refer to " Portal:Fallout Shelter."Ĭharacters within the game range from enemies to your own citizens.For characters in other Fallout games, please see " Character".For details, please see the respective articles. The content is not described in full detail on this page.This page lists all characters in Fallout Shelter. The following is based on information from Fallout Shelter or Fallout Shelter Online.

Fallout shelter quest wiki